The old me is rolling around in her grave. I'm definitely considering running the Goofy Marathon and Half Sponsored by Walt Disney World.

A little back story, please!
I hate to run. Well, I used to hate it. Now I actually like it. I'm slowly but surely shaving my time down on my 2 mile runs I take at lunch.
Why Disney? My little sister is doing an internship for her bachelor's at Johnson & Wales at WDW from this June-January 2012. She loves everything Disney, and I obviously love her, so I'm thinking I need a fitness goal...
and the rest is history. I didn't sign up yet (mostly because it's $350 to enter...) but I'm making a serious consideration :o)
I can't WAIT to run my first Disney marathon! We're throwing our wedding at the Animal Kingdom next fall and are big Disney fans here. I'm NOT ready for Goofy right now. I'll start with a 1/2 marathon and go from there. You HAVE to keep a 16 minute/mile pace to do the Disney marathons, and they have entertianment along the way, so it's a GREAT starter marathon! I'm part of Team Voice - a running team that runs Disney races and raises money for the Make-A-Wish foundation. It's largely a virtual society (until we get together for a race)! I can't wait for my first race with them!