Lucky for us East Coasters, this heat dome was suffocating the Midwest for a few days before it moved it's way East. While it's scary to think of the dangers associated with heat waves, it was nice to be able to plan early AM workouts knowing that lunchtime would be unbearable. [It's over 100 right now, right outside my office. blllllleh.]
Yesterday morning I was able to get 40 minutes of running/ walking intervals in with Rocky, and this morning Mom joined me (as well as BOTH puppies!) to walk before I left for work. Even at 6:30 A.M., it was over 80 degrees at my house.
This is the heat index for the Eastern half of the country:
The news coverage of the heat wave in the Midwest continued to highlight the possibility that this current heat wave could become like the Chicago Heat Wave of 1995. During one week in July 1995, over 700 people died in Chicago. SEVEN HUNDRED. The temperature was 106 degrees, with a heat index of 126. Absolutely stifling. All this media coverage brought me back to freshman year sociology where we read "Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago" by Eric Klinenberg.
photo from

photo from
A phenomenal read, this book covers research the author conducted to determine why the week of heat in Chicago was so deadly. The most shocking things are that most of the victims died at home, and the number dead was "more than twice the number that died in the Chicago Fire of 1871, twenty times the number of those struck by Hurricane Andrew in 1992." Unbelievable.
There are weather tragedies that don't involve hurricanes and tornadoes, people!
Stay hydrated and be safe!
Whew! I grew up in a Southern California Valley and the summers would get BRUTAL! One time I lived in a lake house that had 1 room made completely of bare granite slabs and concrete (aside from the roof, of course). No air conditioning. 100+ degree summers were AWFUL! That granite would heat up from the sun and literally would be like an OVEN all night long. No air conditioning. I bought a few fans, but finally gave in and bought a portable air conditioner. It cooled down my bedroom so I could AT LEAST sleep.
ReplyDeleteThis summer, I'm in the Pacific Northwest and airfare is through the ROOF! Hotels are booked solid. I guess the nation is coming up here to cool off! Our average summer day here has been 65-70.